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25. January 2018

The journey around the closed-loop cycle

BDE and the aluminium economy jointly present the "closed-loop economy" system at IFAT

A special area will be a big attraction at the trade fair

A special area with a joint exhibit by the BDE and the Munich trade fair is being devoted to the industrial closed-loop cycle for aluminium at this year‘s IFAT. A number of hand-picked enterprises will be presenting their services here, together illustrating the entire closed-loop cycle of aluminium with this example.

The material flow of aluminium is particularly well suited to illustrating the urgent need for, and benefits of, recovered raw materials:

Aluminium is one of the most important light building materials there is, and the second most important metal in use. Primary production is particularly intensive in environmental, energy and economic terms. In recycling, with an energy savings of approximately 95 per cent, this material can be produced relatively inexpensively.

Aluminium can be recycled endlessly. As a “recent“ raw material, there is not yet enough aluminium in circulation to be able to cover demand with recycled material, however.

Demand for aluminium has doubled in the last 20 years.

These companies are presenting the closed-loop cycle in the handling of aluminium:

TRIMET Aluminium SE, one of Europe‘s biggest aluminium producers, is presenting its role and position in the closed-loop aluminium cycle.

The “beverage can forum“, with the three manufacturers Ball, Brown and Ardagh, is presenting one of the most modern branches of aluminium processing at present.

When beverage cans are brought to the can deposit machine, they are first handled as waste and go into REMONDIS Recycling GmbH‘s complex deposit clearing system. The company furthermore demonstrates how the material flow can be recovered in a homogeneous manner.

TSR Recycling GmbH & Co. KG assumes the task of reprocessing products containing aluminium at the end of their product life cycle.

A|U|F is an association of companies that organises the closed-loop cycle of material for aluminium parts in windows, doors and facades used in building construction.

In addition, the German Institute for Materials Testing and Research (Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung und -forschung – BAM) supports the closed-loop cycle for material with its background knowledge.

Image credits: image 1, 3: Adobe Stock: Drobot Dean; image 2: Adobe Stock: phonlamaiphoto


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