Long-standing partnerships with companies and local authorities
In the search for a suitable regional partner in waste management, REMONDIS in its capacity as a globally operating enterprise does not necessarily strike some decision-makers as the first and most obvious selection. Every one of the six REMONDIS regional enterprises is confronted with this bias on a regular basis. But they prove that the opposite is the case day in, day out. Personal and regionally affiliated partnerships with numerous enterprises and municipalities for many long years are an achievement of networked colleagues with deep local roots in the region.

First Example
A PPP in the County of Sömmerda
REMONDIS regional administration east is a pioneer when it comes to excellent business neighbours. It has been operating a public-private partnership with county Sömmerda for more than 16 years, for instance: USD – Umweltdienst Sömmerda GmbH. USD is at present assigned virtually all public services of the county. County commissioner Harald Hennig is glad he continues to have USD as a partner at his side, as he relates in an interview.
Why is UDS the ideal partner in order to render public services in Country Sömmerda?
Harald Henning: We have been profiting for many years from the many years‘ experience and know-how of UDS. In addition to the fact that we have a reliable, committed partner in waste disposal, it also helps make us a business success. Within the framework of the pan-European tender, the company was able to submit the most competitive bid. This is not least due to the good infrastructure that USD can make use of.
How do you assess cooperation with UDS to date?
Harald Henning:Thanks to UDS, we can offer citizens professional waste management and at the same time also meet efficiency and quality requirements. On top of this, UDS secures jobs for some people from this county.
Is there a sustainability strategy in County Sömmerda with regard to climate protection and a secure supply of raw materials?
Harald Henning: It is our officially declared aim and objective to reduce quantities of waste permanently and recycle it in the most effective manner.
What would your desire for the future be?
Harald Henning: Regular exchange between UDS and the Waste Economy Office are crucial to optimum cooperation. Problems that crop up can be addressed quickly through close official channels in order to come up with speedy solutions. This is also to remain a key element of the partnership in the future as well. Flexibility and close relations with customers are also to be preserved and upheld.
”Thanks to USD, we can offer citizens professional waste management and will at the same time also meet efficiency and quality requirements.“
Harald Henning, Landrat Sömmerda
Second Example
The company, Entsorgungsdienste Lang GmbH, from Mühlau
Whoever allows themselves to be deceived by the picture painted in the media of REMONDIS going out willy nilly on a shopping spree will be confronted with a much different picture here. Bernd Lang, who recently divested his family-owned company to Regional Company East, looked very carefully for a buyer for his company, as he relates.
The name Lang stands for a successful family-owned company. What led you to sell it and why did you decide in favour of REMONDIS?
Bernd Lang: Given the fact that our goal was to find a successor for our family-owned company, we were looking around for a company that meshed nicely with our structure and values. We furthermore attached importance to our employees being offered a secure future after we left. At the end of the sales process, the crucial factor for us was the feeling of having found a good partner in the guise of REMONDIS.
What prospects do you believe that your company has in the REMONDIS Group?
Bernd Lang: Future prospects are now in the hands of the new management. We hope that investments will continue to be made in the expansion of the site. Moreover, we hope that the company will gain efficiency and become a more potent player with REMONDIS and rise to become market leader in the region.
What company strategy would be ideal in the future in your opinion?
Bernd Lang: The future strategy of the company is now in others‘ hands. We are looking forward to the impetus for development of the company now coming from another source and to preserve close ties with the people.
”At the end of the sales process, the crucial factor was the feeling of having found a fair partner in the guise of REMONDIS.“
Bernd Lang, previous owner of Entsorgungsdienste Lang GmbH in Mühlau
Image credits : image 1: AdobeStock: olimeg