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1. August 2024

Future seeks new talent

More than 500 apprentices start at REMONDIS – working for the future of the company and our planet

1 August 2024 will go down in history: It marks the date on which humanity has consumed more resources than can be regenerated within a year. Earth Overshoot Day is recalculated every year and underlines that we are living far beyond the capacity limits of our planet and urgently need to change something. One answer to this is the circular economy!

For many young people, however, 1 August 2024 also marks a personal milestone – the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. The fact that the more than 500 new apprentices at REMONDIS started their careers on Earth Overshoot Day, of all days, could not be more fitting. For they have chosen an employer that is actively helping to further delay Earth Overshoot Day. As one of the leading companies in the circular economy, REMONDIS is constantly developing new processes to recover raw materials and reduce the impact on the environment. As a result, more than 500 junior employees are now part of this project. “The future is secured with you,” Frank Dohmen, managing director and head of HR, summarised at the traditional introductory event in Lünen.

Does he mean the future of the company or the future of our planet? Certainly both, for an apprenticeship at REMONDIS combines the stability of a healthy family business with sustainable and meaningful tasks. Welcome to the family, welcome to REMONDIS!

So many young people start their apprenticeship

The future of a company depends to a large extent on the importance it attaches to promoting young talent. For only those who invest heavily in the skilled workers of tomorrow will be successful in the long term. REMONDIS and its sister companies within the RETHMANN Group have taken this topic very seriously: As a result, 1,599 young people are currently doing their apprenticeships at REMONDIS and its public private partnerships. The RETHMANN Group as a whole – which, alongside REMONDIS, also includes Rhenus, SARIA and 34% of Transdev – has an impressive total of 2,436 apprentices. The number of new recruits also shows that the company is continuing its tradition of paving the way for motivated young people to enter the world of work.

A total of 518 apprentices have decided to start their careers at REMONDIS this year, and the RETHMANN Group has taken on 772 new apprentices. The RETHMANN Group’s companies, which are firmly rooted in North Rhine-Westphalia, are thus fulfilling their social responsibility and working together to combat the shortage of skilled labour across all sectors. REMONDIS, one of the leading companies in the circular economy with a wide range of different activities in the fields of recycling, municipal and industrial services as well as water management, is responding to the increased demand for skilled labour by offering a continuously growing number of apprenticeships.

Professional drivers are still in particularly high demand at REMONDIS, accounting for a total of 390 apprentices alone, 118 of whom are new recruits. The second most popular profession is industrial management assistant with a total of 225 apprentices, followed by office management assistant with 120 apprentices.

New in the family

From now on, the apprentices are part of a family business that stands for security and a pleasant working environment. To make the start as easy as possible, a representative group of new apprentices is invited to Lünen at the beginning of each year of training. They not only get to know the Lippe Plant as the largest centre for industrial recycling, but also learn about their career opportunities and potential for further development.

Norbert Rethmann, honorary chairman of the supervisory board, took the opportunity to personally wish the new colleagues all the best for their careers and to encourage them to get actively involved, make the most of their opportunities and learn with and from each other. The first step has been taken, the apprenticeship can begin now!

Welcome to the family: a representative group of young people from various training professions were welcomed to Lünen as part of the introductory event. Honorary chairman of the supervisory board Norbert Rethmann took the opportunity to personally welcome the new trainees and wish them a successful career

Actively combating the shortage of skilled labour

REMONDIS’ commitment to promoting young talent within the RETHMANN Group not only strengthens its own competitiveness but also makes an important contribution to securing the supply of skilled labour in Germany. Frank Dohmen, managing director and head of HR at REMONDIS, said:

“Training young people is a central component of our corporate philosophy. We are proud to have so many talented young people in our group and to offer them a solid basis for their professional future through qualified training. We cannot sit back and lament the lack of skilled labour. The only thing that helps is to train, train, train!”

Working for REMONDIS…

…what does it look like? What’s there to do? What is the fascination? Find out first-hand. From people who work every day on behalf of the future. Here you will find compactly summarised information on various professions and job vacancies. Interested parties can use the trainee check to discover their qualifications and potential as well as suitable professions.

Image credits: © REMONDIS


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