1 August of any year is a special day: that is when many young people start their apprenticeship. However, practice shows that there are far more vacant apprenticeship places than potential candidates. According to the latest figures from the Federal Employment Agency in Germany, for example, around 228,000 apprenticeship places were unfilled in July 2023, while 117,000 young people had found neither an apprenticeship nor an alternative at this time. REMONDIS is countering this trend with a successful initiative. The company from Lünen, Germany, has been able to increase its apprentice numbers for many years. There are always good reasons for joining the company: the stability and security of a family-run business coupled with activities working for the future. Sustainability is not a fashionable term at REMONDIS, but the company’s core business.
As an essential part of our economy, family businesses have always stood for stability and reliability. In order to ensure that the business is set up for the long term and has a secure future, they think across generations and put great emphasis on promoting young talents. REMONDIS is also aware of this social responsibility and paves the way for motivated young people to enter the world of work.
New apprentices start their careers
As a result, the number of apprentices has once again been increased this year. As part of this initiative, 1,509 young people are currently completing their training at REMONDIS and its public-private partnerships. The entire RETHMANN Group has a total of 2,216 apprentices. This year alone, around 500 young people have decided to train at REMONDIS and the RETHMANN Group as a whole has taken on over 700 new apprentices.
HGV drivers are still in “pole position” among the top professions: 405 young people are currently training to become HGV drivers at REMONDIS. An important plus point here: regular working hours and a healthy work-life balance. This means that work, family and leisure time can be combined in the best possible way. In addition, 220 young people are being trained as industrial management assistants and 108 have started training as office management assistants.
Part of a promising industry
To personally welcome the junior staff to the “family”, a representative group of young people is invited to the Lippe Plant in Lünen at the beginning of a new training year. They are welcomed there by none other than Norbert Rethmann, Honorary Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the RETHMANN Group. It is his personal concern to welcome the new employees and to introduce the company to them at first hand, so to speak.
It becomes clear that the new apprentices have not only chosen a job in a familiar and secure company. From now on, they are also part of an absolutely promising industry.

Norbert Rethmann, Honorary Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the RETHMANN Group welcomed the new trainees
After all, it was once Norbert Rethmann who coined a true guiding principle in the 1970s that was to become the basis of all corporate activities: “Recycling comes before disposal.” Today this is more important than ever, because in times of climate change and resource scarcity, it is the circular economy that offers solutions for a sustainable future. Only if we all pull together and promote recycling, we can protect our planet in the long term. And so, as of now, many new junior staff are making their contribution to this in a wide variety of professions in the circular economy.
Across generations
Unfortunately, REMONDIS is not immune to the shortage of skilled workers and many more apprenticeships could be filled. However, the initiative ensures that young, motivated and interested people are enthused about the circular economy and that the positive messages about protecting resources and the climate are passed on for generations to come. After all, for many first-time employees it is a decisive factor today to pursue a career that is both meaningful and environmentally compatible. So, if you want to actively shape the future and do so within a steadily growing and secure group of companies, you have made a good choice by taking up an apprenticeship at REMONDIS. Welcome to the family!

A representative group of young people came together at the Lippe Plant in Lünen at the beginning of August for the introductory event
Image credits: © REMONDIS