The many positive properties of humus
The positive impact of humus is a subject that is becoming ever more important. It was established a long time ago that having high levels of humus in the soil was essential for nutrient content and consequently for the fertility of the land. The spotlight has now been turned on some other positive properties of humus as climate change makes itself felt. Organic fertilisers produced by recycling businesses play a major role here. A very good reason, therefore, for setting up a website to provide a single platform containing all the important facts about humus.

The role of humus as a carbon store
The website,, has been online since October. It is a treasure trove of information for everyone wishing to learn more about this organic soil matter. Attractively designed, the website provides information about the positive effects humus has in the agricultural sector and its increasing importance as a means to curb climate change. The site, for example, takes a look at the role of humus as a carbon store that can trap carbon from the atmosphere and bind it in the soil – making it an important factor in the battle against climate change.
Keeping soils in the best possible condition
The ability of humus to store water is also relevant and one that is becoming ever more significant as the summers get drier and drier. Farms, in particular, need to maintain the quality of their soils. Deliberately building up the humus in their fields is a sustainable option. This is especially true for organic farms as the range of fertilisers they may use is limited.
From helping farms to curbing climate change: the website highlights the importance of this organic soil matter.
The website is not only targeted at agricultural, gardening and landscaping businesses but also at hobby gardeners and at people simply interested in learning more about the subject. The information ranges from facts and figures that are needed to get a general overview of the subject all the way through to those required to publish a scientific study. The website will be continuously extended and updated with the latest developments. New facts will be added as well as useful dates and details about changes made to fertiliser legislation. People wanting to find out more, should simply click on the page. It’s most certainly well worth a visit.

Image credits: image 1: Adobe Stock: 304400100, creator: 994yellow, image 2: © RETERRA