Keeping people and the environment safe
Of all the parts of a lorry, it is the tyres that suffer most from wear and tear. Carrying out daily checks using a new technical monitoring system helps to avoid breakdowns and reduce fuel consumption. Levels of safety and environmental protection are also further increased. These are the interim findings of the tests currently being performed on a new technical tyre management system at REMONDIS’ branch in the Westphalian town of Oelde. Master mechanic, Thomas Feldhaus, talked to Annette Rojas from Continental Tyres Germany about his experiences with ContiConnect.

Annette Rojas (Continental): An email or a text is sent to you when the sensor mounted on the inside of a tyre detects a drop in tyre pressure. What impact does tyre damage have on your everyday business?
Our business is responsible for managing commercial waste, which means that we have to drive through large commercial buildings, to sorting plants and around depots every single day. These places often have screws, splinters, nails and other sharp objects lying around on the ground and these are picked up by our truck tyres almost every day. The ContiConnect tyre management system allows us to detect damaged tyres far more quickly than before. Most damage occurs when the trucks are being unloaded.

“Carrying out daily checks helps to avoid breakdowns and reduce fuel consumption.”
Thomas Feldhaus, Master Mechanic at REMONDIS’ depot in Oelde
You have mounted ContiConnect into 32 of your vehicles. How many breakdowns have you managed to avoid since then?
Thomas Feldhaus: We’ve been able to detect a gradual loss in tyre pressure due to tyre damage around twenty times and we’ve already been able to prevent trucks getting a flat tyre five times. All in all, we have saved around 5,000 euros so far. The system has been a huge help with our dual tyres as it really is difficult for the drivers to check the inner tyres. Thanks to ContiConnect, we have been able to increase the vehicles’ structural stability and minimise downtime. That, in turn, cuts costs and makes it easier for us to keep to our schedules. I know, when I drive off, that my tyres are in a good condition.
Using less fuel protects the environment. What other advantages does it offer in your opinion?
Thomas Feldhaus: The fact that our trucks always have the right tyre pressure when they’re on the road means we consume less fuel and that the tyres suffer less wear and tear. This is absolutely in line with our concept of sustainability and complements the courses we hold for our drivers about fuel-saving driving. What’s more, the tyres last for longer and can be better retreaded. The system also warns me in good time of other defects, such as seizing brakes, as it lets me know when the tyre temperature is higher than normal. This system allows us to concentrate on our core business – providing reliable waste management services.

The web portal provides tyre information 24/7
What is ContiConnect?
ContiConnect, the tyre monitoring platform developed by the well-known tyre manufacturer and automobile industry supplier Continental, has been used by REMONDIS’ branch in the Westphalian town of Oelde for a number of months now. This platform enables the company to access data about the tyre pressure and tyre temperature of its fleet. The tyre information is updated when a vehicle goes past a yard reader. The benefits: fewer flat tyres, less tyre wear and tear, lower fuel consumption, lower servicing and maintenance costs, greater safety for drivers and vehicles, reduced fleet running costs and compatibility with telematics systems.
Image credits: image 1: Adobe Stock: 239884003, creator: rustamank; image 1: © REMONDIS; image 2–3: © REMONDIS