Part of the network for two decades now
The fact that the people living in Schwerin are able to access such high quality drinking water – their most important foodstuff – is a science of its own and it is the task of Wasserversorgungs- und Abwasserentsorgungsgesellschaft or WAG (a REMONDIS Aqua joint venture) to do just this. The town’s public drinking water network was established 129 years ago and the Mühlenscharrn waterworks 20 years ago. The company decided to hold a special event to celebrate both these dates – organising an Open Day that was attended by WAG employees, local politicians and business leaders as well as many local residents.
A look behind the scenes
On 5th June, World Environment Day, people from across the city of Schwerin were able to take a look behind the scenes to see how their top quality drinking water supply network actually works. With temperatures reaching 34°C on that day, the event attracted large numbers of visitors who not only enjoyed the tours around the waterworks but also appreciated the cooler temperatures inside the plant. A special educational trail had also been set up for the young guests to teach them more about the water cycle.

(from left to right) Bernd Nottebaum, Head of the City’s Business, Planning and Regulatory Department, and WAG Managing Directors, Beate Bürger and Hanno Nispel, were pleased that the Open Day at the Mühlenscharrn Waterworks was such a success
Also prepared for periods of peak demand
WAG’s managing directors, Beate Bürger and Hanno Nispel, made the most of this opportunity to mingle with their guests and answer any questions the local residents and colleagues had for them. These two people are responsible for ensuring that the network’s fourteen wells and storage tanks (capacity: 13,500m³) are able to cover the town’s drinking water requirements even in times of drought. “Together the two waterworks have a capacity of 30,000m³,” Hanno Nispel explained. This means that there are always sufficient drinking water reserves available.
He himself experienced the highest demand ever last year – on 25th July 2018 to be precise – when 22,000m³ were consumed by those living and working in and around Schwerin. “Thanks to our experienced staff, technological set-up and drinking water protected areas, our network will always be able to provide top quality drinking water to the people of Schwerin, no matter how much they need,” he continued taking a confident look into the future.
A look back at Schwerin’s drinking water supply network

Neumühle waterworks
Schwerin’s first ever drinking water production plant (decommissioned)

Gosewinkel waterworks

Pinnow waterworks
(in operation)

Mühlenscharrn waterworks
(in operation)
Image credits: image 1: Lehmann; image 2: © REMONDIS