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10. February 2019

REMEX helps keep snow centre open

granova® stabilises the indoor snow centre in Bottrop

Urgent action needed

The indoor snow centre, alpincenter Bottrop, opened its doors to the public in 2001 and is one of the biggest attractions in the Ruhr area, one of the most densely populated regions in Europe. Located on the site of an old mine, it was soon discovered that a number of the supporting pillars, on which the snow centre had been built, had shifted due to movement in the ground. This meant that the Bottrop city authorities had to set up a planning committee to find out how or if this problem could be solved. One thing was certain: a comprehensive solution had to be found if the centre and its impressive 640-metre ski slope were to be saved.

REMEX’s robust concept

At the end of 2015, a robust concept – in every sense of the word – was developed for the alpincenter with the help of REMEX GmbH. By combining REMEX’s recycled aggregate (brand name: granova®), produced from incinerator bottom ash at its facility in Oberhausen, with AURUBIS’ iron silicate sand, a by-product generated during its copper recycling processes, it was possible to create a material that more than met the requirements regarding stability, permeability and weight. Indeed, this project’s biggest challenge was finding a material that not only had the suitable technical properties but was also available in sufficient quantities as 450,000m³ were needed to stabilise the centre.

of material were needed to stabilise the centre.

Recycled aggregate perfect for the job

“We’re really pleased that granova® was able to secure the future of the snow centre. The fact that our recycled product was used is not only good because it means people can continue to have fun there long into the future. It is also important as it helps combat the imminent shortage of mineral aggregate,” explained Stephan Böcker, managing director of REMEX Oberhausen GmbH.

The snow centre in Bottrop can now remain open thanks to REMEX’s recycled aggregate. This special mixture meets all the requirements regarding stability, permeability and weight

Using recycled material brings twice the benefits

After a number of other scenarios had failed to meet the requirements for this project, REMEX’s concept not only won over the City of Bottrop as the approval body but also the Ministry of the Environment in Düsseldorf and the district authorities in Münster. There were a number of pivotal reasons why REMEX and AURUBIS won the contract with their recycled aggregate. These included the volumes of material that were available as well as the homogeneity and consistent quality of the aggregate which is regularly monitored by quality control specialists. “As far as we are concerned this is all part of the service – not simply delivering the perfect material but efficient plant technology as well,” concluded Stephan Böcker. Being part of the REMONDIS Group, these mineral waste recycling experts have not only secured the future of the snow centre as a fun place for people to visit but has also helped conserve our planet’s supplies of mineral aggregate. This recycled product helps promote sustainability and is in no way inferior to its naturally sourced counterpart.

“We’re really pleased that granova® was able to secure the future of the snow centre.”

Stephan Böcker, Managing Director of REMEX Oberhausen

Image credits: image 1: iStock: Jochen Sand; image 3, 4: © REMONDIS


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