Establishing high standards
Learning from the best – that’s something REMONDIS has no problem doing when it comes, for example, to digitisation and cutting-edge recycling technology. REMONDIS has had two particular goals in mind since taking over the Swedish company, Ad Infinitum: to establish services on the Swedish market that reflect the high German standards as well as to benefit from the Swedish recycling sector’s long-standing expertise in the area of digitisation.
Acquisition of the Swedish firm, Ad Infinitum
REMONDIS recently took over Ad Infinitum Recycling AB, a Swedish firm based in Boras (east of Gothenburg), with retroactive effect from 01 September 2017. Run under the new name REMONDIS Infinitum AB, the company offers its customers a full range of recycling services from its branches in Boras, Bandhagen and Jönköping. The customers and local residents will now be able to benefit from the German firm’s comprehensive network and know-how. The goal here is to offer more services, in particular to German companies operating in Sweden who are used to the high standards provided by REMONDIS on its home market. Having recently begun operating in Denmark, this acquisition of a Swedish company is a further important step for Germany’s leading recycling business as it looks to grow its presence in Scandinavia.

“We believe Sweden will have a positive impact on the digitisation of our industry and lead to more advanced recycling technology.”
Matthias Illing, Managing Director of REMONDIS Infinitum AB
Portfolio remains intact
REMONDIS has also taken over the firm’s 130 employees and around 70 commercial vehicles and will continue to deliver all the services previously offered by Ad Infinitum AB. These primarily focus on collecting and treating commercial and municipal waste. However, REMONDIS will also be working closely with local authorities, industrial and retail businesses as well as private households as it is also responsible for handling material collected via the Swedish take-back scheme for used sales packaging. Matthias Illing, managing director of REMONDIS Infinitum AB, believes it is important that the company continues to deliver top quality services.
High level of digitisation
“This acquisition is a great opportunity for us to work in this strong economy. The country has exactly the same attitude towards creating a sustainable recycling sector as we do. We won’t need to convince people of the benefits of recycling which means we won’t need to drop our standards,” Matthias Illing continued. On the contrary: digitisation is far more widespread in Sweden than it is in Germany – both across the country in general and in its waste management sector. One important advantage for REMONDIS in entering the Swedish market is, therefore, that it can continue to develop its business in this area to reflect Swedish standards. “We believe Sweden will have a positive impact on the digitisation of our industry and lead to more advanced recycling technology,” he concluded.
Image credits: image 1: AdobeStock: Sergii Figurnyi