New offering fills a gap
No matter how small the volume of hazardous waste may be, it must, of course, be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way and in compliance with all rules and regulations; that goes without saying. However, this has been a difficult issue for companies: if they are not allowed to or do not wish to store dangerous substances on their premises, then they must find a legally compliant waste management solution which also includes a collection service. Such services have been hard to come by – some of them only handle specific types of materials and none of them offers a nationwide network. REMONDIS has now successfully closed this gap on the market by launching MIXX-TOUR that involves a specialist fleet of vehicles which will gradually be expanded as demand grows.

Customers unable to store the materials themselves
The demand for such a service has been fuelled by the ever stricter requirements being placed on commercial businesses regarding the storage and transport of their hazardous waste. All too often, firms find themselves no longer able to store the materials on site as the costs of fulfilling the statutory requirements are simply too high. This is especially true for firms that have a large number of branches or operate mobile service units. Transporting dangerous substances in a company van can be a problem as the vehicles are generally not properly equipped to do this. Some businesses look at setting up their own in-house logistics chain to store the hazardous waste at a central site so that it can be handed over in one go to a waste management business at a later date. Such plans, however, are often unable to be implemented because of the statutory regulations and restrictions – something that standard logistics providers and parcel delivery firms are also subject to.
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This problem has now been solved with MIXX-TOUR: this service has been set up by REMONDIS Medison in cooperation with REMONDIS Industrie Service, which is in charge of treating the materials. Thanks to this successful collaboration, MIXX-TOUR can provide the logistics chain needed to enable a wide range of materials – no matter how small the volume – to be picked up from commercial customers at short notice. All substances are transported in compliance with the ADR (i.e. in accordance with the regulations determining the safe transport of dangerous goods) and disposed of in an environmentally compatible way. Proof of this is, of course, provided as well.
“We have tied a few ends together at REMONDIS and can now deliver exactly what is needed.”
Michael Micke, Head of the MIXX-Tour division
Safely collected, safely treated
MIXX-TOUR collects a whole range of different substances. These include old paint and varnish, lithium ion batteries, plastic dust sheets from painter and decorator businesses, aerosol cans, used solvents, old oil, oil-contaminated liquids, filter media, packaging containing dangerous residual contents, WEEE, batteries, fluorescent tubes, medicines, identifiable chemicals and other materials. Besides using the service for individual collections, which can simply be requested by email once an offer has been received, companies also turn to MIXX-TOUR to have a decentralised collection service that enables all hazardous substances to be picked up from their fieldwork teams or their network of branches. This means they do not have to use their own vehicles to transport the dangerous substances, considerably reducing the amount of red tape they have to deal with.
Materials collected according to customer wishes
The MIXX-TOUR’s steadily growing fleet can pick up the hazardous materials either as a regular service or on demand. The trucks can be found across Germany so that the company can react quickly to their customers’ requirements and wishes. What’s more, REMONDIS Medison’s other trucks are also available if needed. A small logistical masterpiece has, therefore, been set up to enable MIXX-TOUR to be offered. The local branches serve their customers in their region, systematically providing them with the logistics they need. An additional downstream logistics system has also been organised to collect the materials from the branches and transport them to REMONDIS Industrie Service’s treatment facilities across Germany. Indeed, this part of the logistics network has had to expand considerably in recent months to keep up with demand.
Michael Micke, who is in charge of this new service, commented: “While the demand for such a user-friendly service is perhaps not new, we have now succeeded in coming up with a smart solution that works for both our customers and us. We have tied a few ends together at REMONDIS and can now deliver exactly what is needed.”

The MIXX-TOUR team can collect, for example, old varnish, lithium ion batteries, aerosol cans, used solvents, old oil, packaging containing dangerous residual contents, WEEE, fluorescent tubes, medicines and many other small volumes of materials
Image credits: image 1–2: © REMONDIS