The metropolitan area of Cottbus, like the whole of the Lausitz, is in the midst of structural change. The focus is not only on the urban area, but also on the surrounding communities, where potential for new settlements must be created. LWG Lausitzer Wasser GmbH & Co. KG is one of the most important service providers in this area in the field of water management and actively supports these developments through extensive investments. At the same time, however, close partnerships are needed to ensure water supply and wastewater disposal in the future as well. That is why the Cottbus-based company has signed two cooperation agreements in December with the aim of actively contributing to the success of the structural change process together and continuing to make the region attractive for people, industry, trade and science.
Cooperation with Amt Peitz
On 1 December, the contract was signed between LWG and Trink- und Abwasserverband – Hammerstrom/Malxe – Peitz (TAV). “We would like to intensify and expand our already existing cooperation in the field of water supply and wastewater disposal in order to jointly manage the upcoming water management transformation in the context of the ongoing structural and climate change processes in the Lausitz,” said Marten Eger, technical director of LWG, emphasising the importance of this agreement.

From left: Michael Feige (Managing Director of GeWAP Gesellschaft für Wasserver- und Abwasserentsorgung Hammerstrom/Malxe – Peitz mbH), Karin Kallauke (Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of GeWAP), Elvira Hölzner (Head of the Association and Director of TAV Hammerstrom/Malxe – Peitz), Jens Meier-Klodt (Commercial Director of LWG), Marten Eger (Technical Director of LWG) and Karsten Horn (Project Manager & Employee of LWG)
Elvira Hölzner, head of the association and director of Amt Peitz, also emphasised that there is no alternative to this cooperation for an efficient water supply in the future: “We want to use the opportunities opened up by the so-called coal phase-out law to create new industrial jobs in our Amt Peitz, to expand tourism and to create attractive housing developments for newcomers and returnees.” Together with the private investor, the Amt Peitz is currently putting a lot of heart and soul and money into the expansion of the new industrial and commercial park on the former Drewitz airfield. Local solutions for the energy needs from renewable sources or also the railway connection have already been found. To meet future water needs, however, the municipalities in the Cottbus agglomeration must join forces to develop a sustainable water management system.
In a first project, the two partners are devoting themselves to the future supply of drinking water to the Peitz district as part of a larger joint project, in order to facilitate the planned commercial and industrial settlements in the district municipality. Other conceivable approaches for joint work are in the field of education and training or sewage sludge utilisation.
„Together we are on the way to thinking and shaping the future of the Lausitz beyond coal today. We are looking for new fields of development with creative solutions and innovative methods that point the way to the future. In doing so, the main goal is to offer the youth in our region a perspective for the future.“
Karin Kallauke, Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of GeWAP
Cooperation with Amt Burg
Another cooperation agreement was signed on 8 December with Trink- und Abwasserzweckverband Burg (Spreewald) (TAZ Burg). “With this, we are deepening our long-standing cooperation in the field of water supply and wastewater disposal,” explained Tobias Hentschel, the district director and acting association chairman of TAZ Burg, “in order to unite in coping with the upcoming water management transformation in the context of the ongoing structural and climate change processes in our region.”
The economic focus of the Burg (Spreewald) district, which is centred on Burg as a state-recognised spa town, is primarily on tourism. In addition, however, the focus is currently also on the expansion of the existing industrial and commercial areas in the municipalities. In addition, a connection with the surrounding communities and the cities of Vetschau and Cottbus can be established through the agreed use of the drinking water networks in the Burg district.
“In order to improve the supply options, especially for our demanding industrial and commercial customers, it is essential to network and use the existing structures outside our own supply area,” emphasised Jens Meier-Klodt, managing director of the LWG.
In a first project, the partners are devoting more attention to the technical connection of their drinking water networks and production capacities as part of a larger network project in the region. There is further cooperation in the field of education and training and in the future probably also in the field of sustainable sewage sludge utilisation.

From left: Tobias Hentschel (District Director and Chairman of the TAZ Burg Association), Uwe Noack (Chairman of the TAZ Burg Association Assembly), Marten Eger (Technical Director of LWG), Jens Meier-Klodt (Commercial Director of LWG) and (standing) Katrin Ragotzky (Commercial Manager and Head of Networks/Works TAZ Burg) and Karsten Horn (Project Manager of LWG).

Cooperation “in the neighbourhood” contributes to development of the region
With its many years of know-how and its own potential, LWG wants to contribute to the success of the structural change process in the entire Cottbus area under the intensified conditions of climate change, together with the responsible bodies and associations in the neighbourhood. The goal is to create an area-wide water supply network to secure the future water needs that will inevitably arise in the course of new industrial, commercial and research settlements.
Accordingly, the cooperations with Peitz and Burg have a showcase character and contribute their part to the successful further development of the region.
Image credits: image 1 1: Adobe Stock: Somkiat Tapong; image 2: Katja Richter, Amt Peitz; image 3: Kerstin Möbes, Amt Burg