Technology leader now a part of the REMONDIS Group
Walter Tecyard GmbH & Co. KG became part of the REMONDIS Group in October 2018 when REMONDIS Aqua Industrie GmbH & Co. KG purchased a majority share in this young company. Walter Tecyard, a technology firm based in Kiel in the north of Germany, is leading the way when it comes to digitising water management, making it a perfect fit for REMONDIS Aqua’s business.
Permanent monitoring means greater security
Walter Tecyard provides smart services with its sensor technology and biomonitoring innovations. It has developed a series of systems that work together perfectly to record and process data and so ensure that municipal and industrial networks operate smoothly. Drinking water networks are monitored regularly and protected from unauthorised access. It is not, however, always possible to permanently monitor these networks or to carry out checks beyond the normal parameters. These gaps can now be filled by the SensaGuard system. This biomonitoring system uses the freshwater shrimp, Gammarus pulex, as an indicator organism to detect even the smallest change in the quality of the water. “Freshwater shrimps live in clean, oxygen-rich waters and react immediately to the slightest physical change or to the presence of pollutants,” explained Dr Axel Leybold, managing director of Walter Tecyard.
Thanks to Walter Tecyard, local authorities can make sure their town and the services they offer their residents are even smarter.
As a result, raw water and drinking water can be monitored online – permanently and transparently – making it possible for the system operators to respond more quickly to incidents. The challenge of sensor technology is to be able to offer an integral system that enables all the different pieces of information to be recorded and merged together.

Installation in line with the ‘plug and play’ principle
Walter Tecyard already uses tried and tested sensors and gateways as well as data processing and back end solutions. “There are plenty of companies supplying the individual components. What we – and just a handful of other firms do – is to unite all these modules to provide one meaningful system,” commented Benedikt Winkelmann, managing director of Walter Tecyard. The sensors can work for long periods of time without requiring an external energy supply and the data can be transmitted above ground or from the network of pipes and shafts.
SensaGuard fills an important gap in drinking water monitoring systems and can detect even the slightest change in the quality of the water.
The system is installed in line with the ‘plug and play’ principle. The data is then evaluated and made available online on a customised dashboard. The first projects have already begun in Kiel, Copenhagen and Hamburg. This is a simple and safe way for local authorities to create an intelligent network within their infrastructure and ensure they have a secure supply of water. Walter Tecyard and REMONDIS are, therefore, helping smooth the way towards setting up smart cities.
“There are plenty of companies supplying the individual components. What we – and just a handful of other firms do – is to unite all these modules to provide one meaningful system.”
Benedikt Winkelmann, Managing Director of Walter Tecyard
Image credits: image 1: Adobe Stock: tostphoto